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DWR Possession Recommendation
[quote FishMcFisherson]I'm going to start a club. Members will be required to pay a 100$ monthly fee to be part of the club. I am then going to quit my job, and fish all day every day, and keep as many fish (excluding trout) as I feel like. These fish will be put into the clubs freezer and members will be allowed to take as much fish as they want from the club freezer. With this new possession law, my idea will be 100% legal, correct?[/quote]

You still have to abide by the daily bag limit. And why would they pay you to be in the club when they can keep their own fish in their own freezer without worrying about possession limits?

And last, but not least, maybe with a few thousand fewer 5 to 10 pound channel cats in Utah Lake there would be a lot more 15 to 20 pound channel cats.

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Messages In This Thread
DWR Possession Recommendation - by dowhatwecan - 09-04-2014, 02:03 PM
Re: [FishMcFisherson] DWR Possession Recommendation - by Fishrmn - 09-05-2014, 02:24 AM

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