09-07-2014, 08:54 PM
Don't forget that the 'dry time' is now 18 days. It is still summer, but the regulation doesn't specify summer. It SPECIFICALLY says September.
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Quote:(b) "Decontaminate" means to:
(i) Self-decontaminate equipment or a conveyance that has been in an infested water in the previous 30 days by:
(A) removing all plants, fish, mussels and mud from the equipment or conveyance;
(B) draining all water from the equipment or conveyance, including water held in ballast tanks, bilges, livewells, and motors; and
© drying the equipment or conveyance for no less than 7 days in June, July and August;[red]18 days in September, October, November, March, April and May[/red]; 30 days in December, January and February; or expose the equipment or conveyance to sub-freezing temperatures for 72 consecutive hours; or
(ii) Professionally decontaminate equipment or a conveyance that has been in an infested water in the previous 30 days by:
(A) Using a professional decontamination service approved by the division to apply scalding water (140 degrees Fahrenheit) to completely wash the equipment or conveyance and flush any areas where water is held, including ballast tanks, bilges, livewells, and motors.
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