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The tale of a Bear Lake Laker
Good story. This story is played out at other western lakes with tagged fish as well, like some in Colorado. Ancient fish that are "only" 15 or 20 pounds. They don't all grow huge, and those that do take decades. There is not another one waiting in the wings to replace it in a year or two.

Sadly, tagging stopped a long time ago at Flaming Gorge when the biologists declared them a "vicious predator" and removed the slot limit.

Messages In This Thread
The tale of a Bear Lake Laker - by ntrl_brn_rebel - 09-09-2014, 10:20 PM
Re: [ntrl_brn_rebel] The tale of a Bear Lake Laker - by Tarponjim - 09-09-2014, 10:59 PM

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