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Jmax, Chick, Sept. CBA, Bass, 9/13/14, alone
Derek had to go out of town last week and did not get back home until this morning at 1:00 a.m. so he weinied out on me. emoTskTsk Had to wing it by myself. It was a very tough day for me. I must have caught Dereks bad time disease cause I lost more bass then I had in the live well. emoCrazy I also kept hanging up on everything. I hung my crank up three times and my shakey about a dozen time. I had about five bass just come off after a couple turns of the reel and worse of all I had three good bass jump off and give my bait back to me. emoBawl One looked to be about 2 and a half, one looked about four and one looked a good five pounder. emoHoppingmad Two threw the worm and one threw a crank. You can't win if you can't keep them on!!! emoAngry I did boat eleven today. The issue was out of those eleven only four would keep. I had a 2 pounder, a 2 and a half, a three and a six. With only 13 and a half pounds I decided to skip the weigh in and just release them and go home. I may have messed up. Second place big bass was only 6.22 pounds! emoRolleyes I may have released one bigger then that one. 1st place big bass was something like 6 and three quarters and I know it was not that big. But mine may have been 6.22. I really don't think it would have been but my scale weighs light. On my scale mine weighed 5/15. It was a tough bite and those bass were hitting light and very funny. It was hard to tell they were there and even if you let them take it they would still come off. emoMad <br /><br />It was a heart breaker for me today considering if I had boated any one of those three I saw I would have had a check. If I could have kept that four and five on I would have had over 20 pounds which would have been in the top five. emoBooHoo I had told myself if I could/would boat the fifth I was going to weigh in. Just could not get that fifth one in the boat.<br /><br />OK, I'm done crying. Time to get over it and move on. All the bass I did boat came off either a big worm or a crank bait. I am still fishing fairly deep, from about 12 foot to 22 foot today. emoAngler Jmax<br /><br />Here is my six pounder, that picture does not do that fish justice.

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Jmax, Chick, Sept. CBA, Bass, 9/13/14, alone - by FishNews - 09-14-2014, 09:00 AM

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