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basspro96, Norris Lake, Smallmouth, Spotted Bass, and Largemouth, 9-13-14, BSB (Big Sexy Bomb)
Started out the morning throwing buzzbaits on a long point that had a flat on the back side and a large drop on the front. I managed one strike but I missed my opportunity. We moved on to fishing a creek with a steeper bank and personal docks around a spring. As I worked my crankbait along the bank I had a Kentucky strike at the boat, as I pulled my lure up in excitement I sent the fish into flight, and he literally eluded capture. We went on fishing other structure throughout the day. Steep bank mainly with personal docks, wood, and chunk rock. In a last ditch effort we moved to an area in the back of the creek that was shallower and had a little bit more stain on the water. I immediately hooked up with a spotted bass off a small point. My second cast I hook up with a 3 pound smallmouth I had to release. I hate twenty inch slot limits, the are simply the devil. The cold front really pushed the fish back. Anything with a little dingier water was dynomite today. All in all not a horrible first trip to Norris.

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basspro96, Norris Lake, Smallmouth, Spotted Bass, and Largemouth, 9-13-14, BSB (Big Sexy Bomb) - by FishNews - 09-15-2014, 09:00 AM

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