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Joe's Valley
Hoping some of you can give me some pointers for Joe's Valley. I have never fished it before. I want to go down there in the middle of October and catch some toothy critters. I have pretty much given up on Yuba. The last couple of years we had a lot of fun at Yuba....this year not so much.
Anyway where are some good places to fish at Joe's??
I would be pulling my 5th wheel and boat. I see a camp ground by the ramp. The res. website warns of no drinking water at the campsites. Anywhere close for water?? Better place to setup camp?? I would imagine the same sort of lures that work at Yuba would be good for Joe's??
Any help would be appreciated...

Messages In This Thread
Joe's Valley - by luckybob - 09-17-2014, 04:27 PM
Re: [luckybob] Joe's Valley - by Lonnie - 09-17-2014, 08:16 PM
Re: [Lonnie] Joe's Valley - by luckybob - 09-18-2014, 03:52 AM

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