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Heart Broken.......
That sucks!
I'll offer a few suggestions that may or may not apply.
I am certainly not judging you as I was not there.
First everyone is always worried about broadheads but for elk I worry about having a heavy enough arrow to pass through at all ranges.

Second was he quartering to? This is how I believe most elk are lost. A very slight quartering to angle and you only get one lung. An elk can live for days on one lung.

Third most guys are just too afraid of the shoulder, a perfect shot on a broad side elk is straight in line with the front legs halfway up the body. If you hit behind the leg by 4" you can miss the lungs all together. I myself use to aim to far back with a bow.

Lastly never give up looking for blood. Don't get discouraged there is a spec of blood somewhere.

Learn from it and move on. Good luck next year.

Messages In This Thread
Heart Broken....... - by chrome_junky - 09-22-2014, 10:38 PM
Re: [Belasko] Heart Broken....... - by hulapopper - 09-23-2014, 12:39 PM
Re: [chrome_junky] Heart Broken....... - by elkmagnet - 10-08-2014, 01:38 AM

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