10-21-2014, 03:30 AM
Went out with my son yesterday. Must have been at least a dozen boats/pontoons in the state park bay. Plus close to that many people on shore. Then there were the hundreds of fish near the shore. However most weren't too interested in biting. Even fly fishermen using scuds under a strike indicator were snagging inadvertently more than getting bit. I don't think most the people were trying to snag and I saw most fish released. One group I wondered but couldn't say for sure they were keeping snagged fish so I never called F&G on it. As for our luck I found using kastmasters slowly retrieved, just keeping it off bottom would elicit the occasional strike with few snags that really hooked the fish. Even then my son managed to snag the eye of a nymph that was the upper fly on a dropper setup that the other fly had snagged the fish. Was really glad I crimped our barbs though. In the end we landed around a dozen fish. About half were in the mouth. We did keep two for dinner that were very pink and tasty.