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The Decline of the Obama Presidency
[quote big_dick_mcghee]jobs are up, unemployment is down, stock market is way way up, the deficit has been cut by 2/3 since bushit
I guess we could take this pile of bull you are saying and break it down one item at a time. Lets go with the last item, "the deficit has been cut by 2/3 since Bush", here are facts from the link Flygodess provided.
First year of the Bush presidency 2001, Surplus of 207.63 Billion
Second year 2002 $485.97 Billion Deficit
Third year 2003 $485.97 Billion Deficit
Fourth year 2004 $517.54 Billion Deficit
Fifth year 2005 $385.45 Billion Deficit
Sixth year 2006 $291.42 Billion Deficit
Seventh year 2007 $183.79 Billion Deficit
Eighth year 2008 $504.95 Billion Deficit

Now the Obama presidency first year 2009, Deficit $1559.6 Billion
second year 2010 Deficit $1404.99 Billion
third year 2011 Deficit $1367.37 Billion
forth year 2012 Deficit $1134.02 Billion
fifth year 2013 Deficit $691.06 Billion
sixth year 2014 Deficit $492 Billion

Let me see, 2/3 cut since Bush, no, the facts do not say any such thing. The highest deficit during the Bush years was $517 and $504 billion. In comparison the lowest deficit in the 6 years Obama has been in office is $492 Billion, no where near the 2/3 cut you claim. Now lets look at the two highest deficit years of the Obama presidency, $1559.6 Billion and $1404.99 Billion. Wow, looks like just the opposite is true from you statement, highest deficit for Bush $517 billion, highest deficit for Obama $1559 Billion.
Sure you can say the Obama inherented the problems created during the Bush years but Obama was the one that chose the method of how to deal with the problems and his way was to throw money at it. Time will tell if it was the right approach or not but IMHO it was crazy to spend trillions of tax payers money to bail out banks and car companies, then go on the spend trillions more to prop up the stock market.

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Re: [big_dick_mcghee] The Decline of the Obama Presidency - by wiperhunter2 - 10-30-2014, 02:40 PM

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