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Skyline Pond in St George - 11/28
Take the St George BLVD exit west off I-95. Take the first Right one block later (1000 East) then turn left onto Red Hill Parkway a block later. It's a few blocks down on your right and can be seen from the road. Nice view but remember that they suggest anyone over 14 use artificial bait (which powerbait isn't in my book). I driven by countless times but have never stopped . Do the kids a favor and save them some fish. There are plenty of places to fish close by if you have a car. Both Quail Creek and Sand Hollow can't be more than 15 minutes away. Same for Leeds Creek and the Santa Clara River isn't much further than that.

Messages In This Thread
Skyline Pond in St George - 11/28 - by akammerman - 11-29-2014, 01:20 AM
Re: [albinotrout] Skyline Pond in St George - 11/28 - by riverdog - 12-03-2014, 02:17 PM

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