12-03-2014, 06:28 PM
I agree with Rocky's comment, plus I don't think you have had experience with those rafts... If you had, I think you'd decide to save the money and wait for something better.... One option that may have been mentioned and I missed it, since I started reading mid-post is check out your local DI.... My bro finds more great deals on float tubes and pontoons for pennies on the dollar... For $5 he gets nice tubes and waders are really cheap there as well... Yes they aren't new, but they get you in the game very cheap and you can figure out what you really want, and save up for it... If your significant other turns out like mine, her interest in outdoor stuff significantly dropped off after we had kids... So keep that in mind as you invest in toys at this point... Also for the togetherness time on the water, consider renting a canoe... Probably won't do it that often and if you hit the right spot they rent them pretty cheap... Good luck... J