12-19-2014, 03:53 AM
It's like others have said, there is a lot of good folks sharing information on this site. I lurked for years before my conscience finally got the best of me and I decided to participate. I have learned a lot from the information that people on this site have willingly shared. It is good to see new people getting interested enough to join and contribute to our groups addiction to fish and fishing. I report on places that I go that aren't as popular and are more out of the way for the folks living along the Wasatch front. There are so many great fishing opportunities in this state if you have the time and the resources to explore them. I almost always fly fish but I post my reports on the general fishing forum. I think that the information about where I fished will be beneficial to more people that way.
Thanks for asking the question wyoguy. By the way, I spent two years in Wyoming, it's too bad there isn't better participation on the Wyoming forum. [:/]
Thanks for asking the question wyoguy. By the way, I spent two years in Wyoming, it's too bad there isn't better participation on the Wyoming forum. [:/]