12-26-2014, 09:25 PM
Not even close. You can fish a chironomid from a floating line or a sinking line. Since you have a floating line I will tell you my set up...
I use a 9' 5X leader and tie on my first fly with a loop knot. To the line just above the loop knot I pinch on a #4 lead weight and tie on a length of line one to three feet with a Davy knot. To the end of that I tie on another fly and pinch on another #4 weight right above the knot.
I put on a thingamabobber as far above the flies as I think the fish are swimming. It's not easy to cast but you'll get the hang of it if you have ever cast a nymph rig on a river.
I use a 9' 5X leader and tie on my first fly with a loop knot. To the line just above the loop knot I pinch on a #4 lead weight and tie on a length of line one to three feet with a Davy knot. To the end of that I tie on another fly and pinch on another #4 weight right above the knot.
I put on a thingamabobber as far above the flies as I think the fish are swimming. It's not easy to cast but you'll get the hang of it if you have ever cast a nymph rig on a river.