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hey anybody rabbit huntin???
hey stormy, you,ll have fun, but dont think ya can,t hunt on dry ground. ya don,t neeeed snow to hunt rabbit. if theres rabbits there in the area, . you,ll be able to tell by your dogs, they,ll tell ya, and they,ve been out in the last day. which they will lest ya git a big storm, and they might hold up till it lets up, for the day, and night sometimes, but i, plan to go when it let up,some, nad hang on cause you,ll have fun! haha but my dogs, hunted both.dry ground and snow. they just loved the snow, that,s all and i did. they used their nose well. they would sniif the air, and see if they couldn,t pick em up when the rabbit is out, and if they couldn,t git the scent there, the nose would go to the ground and follow the scent till they came to the brush they were in. some rabbits will spook and run out the other side of the brush, the young ones, and some old smart rabbits won,t, that,s how they got to be old, an they could outdogde, out smart many a dog, except fer mine. git an old rabbit, believe in your dog and don,t pull him off that brush pile, cause you,ll ruin him, take and git a stick nd poke around tin the brush pile an git it out fer jhim, especially if it,s a pup. and praise him! the old rabbits would double back and go to the place where he started, that,s why my young hounds, jake spud, learne from momma, and her father. haha they learned when they were young what the old rabbits did, would do. that,s how butchie, dutchies father taught her.then down to her sons. i see the time when butchie would go inside the pile of brush after that old rabbit and git his nose bit fer that rabbit he,d git so mad. haha they were small enough to be able to do it. butchie and dutchie were 12 inch beagles. jake and spud weere 15 inch. bigger body wise taller. well ya have fun be safe, and let him run around at least 2 times so there tired and will stay back aways from that rabbit so ya don,t shoot him, along with the rabbit. i,ve seen the time when the hounds were in thee prime, young, and would almost have the rabbits by the tail. haha and seen many a good dog git shot by hunters that were first learnin. too.. so let em play, and run the rabbit. well as fer as the coyote thing. haha i,m learnin that. we,re havin a ball. but it,s good to try somethin new. have fun no matter what ya do. later mare[Smile][Wink]

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hey anybody rabbit huntin??? - by patches - 01-06-2004, 03:56 AM
Re: [stormy26] hey anybody rabbit huntin??? - by patches - 01-06-2004, 03:28 PM

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