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Easiest way to fillet your catch
[#0000FF]You are on target. Diet plays a big part in both the quality and color of the flesh. But so does spawning and other factors.

Trout that feed mainly on invertebrates are more likely to have the pink colored flesh...which is usually firmer and tastes better on the table. That's because a lot of the invertebrates they eat are crustaceans which contain vitamin A and carotene.

When smaller fish "graduate" to eating other fish, more than bugs, their flesh does usually lighten up. But it is often just as firm and toothsome.

There are many other factors that can alter the quality of fish water quality, basic health of the fish, development of eggs or milt, prolonged periods of low food or no food, etc.

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Re: [fishnhunt] Easiest way to fillet your catch - by TubeDude - 01-09-2015, 08:42 PM

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