01-18-2015, 04:56 AM
If Dave tuescher wouldn't have miss categorized the rainbow caught out of AF it would have been the new state record rainbow. But he seen an opportunity for his name to make headlines and lied saying it was a hybrid cuttbow. Which was indeed a lie. It is 100% impossible for it to be a hybrid according to what Dave reported. The fish was said to be around 6 years old, and he said there are no naturally spawned cuttbows due to all the rainbows being steril, and the last time they stocked hybrids was over 15 years ago, so by that the "world record" cuttbow as announced by Mr tuescher is indeed a lie. It is nothing more than a hatchery kamloops that a very very large majority of them have faint orange slashes from cross breeding that occurred a decade ago ...