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polo-dog, Chickamauga, Crappie, 1/14/15, Rsimms
Fished for about an hour and a half with Rsimms. I had seen some pics that he had posted during the day and asked if he was up for some casting for crappie and he said "sure". We fished mostly in the creek but when the cloud cover went away the bite stopped with it. We fished deep and shallow with BG shads on 1/32 oz jig heads. Richard ended up catching a small bass while we were out there too. We ended up with less than 10 but many of them were nice thick fish. The fish were on bluffy areas but the water was a little muddy which probably kept us from getting more. Most of my fish came on a 5 count and the bite was very subtle. Thanks for fishing with me Richard. Always great to be out on the water with a fishing friend!<br /><br />I am looking forward to learning more about his trolling technique as soon it will be very productive.<br /><br />

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polo-dog, Chickamauga, Crappie, 1/14/15, Rsimms - by FishNews - 01-20-2015, 10:00 AM

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