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winter boat fishing (freezing?)
Just Google the subject "Winterizing your Boat" you will get lots of hits - inboard, Outboard, ... whatever is your target craft.

Outboards winterize right after you come of the water by doing a couple things - running the carb dry and and a couple turn overs of the motor after you are out of the water - you could also fog the card or run Sea foam in the gas to stabilize the fuel.

Inboard require draining the exhaust manifolds and engine block - I have a 4 drains on my motor (inboard 4.3) and just drain them when I'm done fishing and on the ramp while the engine is still warm.

I run Sea foam in my tank for storage so I don't have to worry when my last trip of the year well be.

Go Luck - hopefully the soft water will let you head out with the boat.

Messages In This Thread
winter boat fishing (freezing?) - by isda - 01-20-2015, 10:37 PM
Re: [isda] winter boat fishing (freezing?) - by Lundman - 01-21-2015, 12:08 AM

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