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Hey y'all!

Long time lurker...first time poster. First off...I've been a lurker for about a year or so. Not that I was trying to steal anyone's secret fishing hole or tricks of the trade...I've just always been averse to joining any forum or social network. I'm a caveman that has so far avoided using Facebook, Instagram or Twitter...mostly because I don't enjoy people whining about life or looking at pictures of people's lunch or kittens.

I have been fishing since I was old enough to walk but the last few years of life have been busy with work, commute, family, kids, community, church, etc. I've mostly been lurking on the forum just so I could live vicariously through everyone's awesome posts.

I love fishing. Period! All species, all places, all methods. I love fly fishing/spinner fishing on rivers and streams, that's what I grew up doing. Ice fishing is a close second behind river fishing. However I will troll, float tube, jig, or drown a worm. Heck, I'll even resort to slinging PowerBait if it is what the fish like. If it's legal and it catches fish. I'll do it. I'd rather avoid the skunk than be a purist. I've caught fish on flies I've tied and on lures that I have crafted. That is a good feeling, but not getting skunked is also good.

I practice CPR (catch, photo, release) but also CKE (catch, kill, eat)! I've let big ones go and I've brought big ones home to eat. It depends on what's in the freezer and if I'm in the mood for fish. One 4-5 lb fish fillets out a lot nicer than four 10" planters.

Most of my fishing now consists of taking my young children out and getting them hooked on the sport. Occasionally I will make it out on my own and fish they way I like, but for now I'm okay with untangling knots and keeping kids from falling in the water.

When I do post, I hope that I can be as informative and entertaining as many of you great folks on this forum.

Tight lines!

-Hazzy Hazzbourne

Messages In This Thread
Introduction - by Hazzy_Hazbourne - 01-31-2015, 03:03 AM
Re: [Hazzy_Hazbourne] Introduction - by wyoguy - 01-31-2015, 03:14 AM
Re: [Hazzy_Hazbourne] Introduction - by RockyRaab - 01-31-2015, 11:04 PM

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