01-08-2004, 05:19 PM
no have not been to e-lake for a while i have a buddy that drives that way every day and he was saying that there is 3' to 5' foot drifts along the dam[
]..and that lake is hard to get in to any way with out haveing to fight that kind of snow too..
otter creek i have not been to this year but my buddy that i was fishing with yesterday at fishlake lives in Koosharem and he has been fishing otter creek for the 3 week 3 to 4 times a week and not doing to good.. he was saying it's alot slower than last year was..
thats why we went to fishlake..
hope that helps
fish on dudes

otter creek i have not been to this year but my buddy that i was fishing with yesterday at fishlake lives in Koosharem and he has been fishing otter creek for the 3 week 3 to 4 times a week and not doing to good.. he was saying it's alot slower than last year was..
thats why we went to fishlake..
hope that helps
fish on dudes