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fishlake (report) 1-7-04
no have not been to e-lake for a while i have a buddy that drives that way every day and he was saying that there is 3' to 5' foot drifts along the dam[Sad]..and that lake is hard to get in to any way with out haveing to fight that kind of snow too..

otter creek i have not been to this year but my buddy that i was fishing with yesterday at fishlake lives in Koosharem and he has been fishing otter creek for the 3 week 3 to 4 times a week and not doing to good.. he was saying it's alot slower than last year was..

thats why we went to fishlake..

hope that helps

fish on dudes

Messages In This Thread
fishlake (report) 1-7-04 - by fuzzyfisher - 01-08-2004, 02:54 PM
Re: [MrLipripper] fishlake (report) 1-7-04 - by fuzzyfisher - 01-08-2004, 05:19 PM

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