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Javelin33, Chick, Crappie, 2-7-14
I fished for a little while tonight since it was a little warmer out. The water has gone down slightly but I still found a few fish. I found the crappie again shallow and aggressive when I could get my jig close to one. The fish weren't very grouped up but I would catch a couple here and there. I don't know why but it seems like the fish are much more active at night for me. <br />I caught 19 crappie all keepers from 11-13in and thick. I caught 1 bass around 3# and lost a really big bass. All the fish bit a dark colored BG in 2-8fow.

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Javelin33, Chick, Crappie, 2-7-14 - by FishNews - 02-09-2015, 10:00 AM

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