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Lucky peak reports?
We took my son's Cherokee up to Arrowrock today. The automatic windows and door locks worked fine on the way up but not on the way back. Turns out a wire broke from all that shaking. I'm glad we found it before having to spend $$$ for a mechanic. I have seen that road in worse condition but not by much. There were a lot of boats up there today. If anybody needs spare parts for trailers, you should walk that road because they have to be laying all over the place.

Messages In This Thread
Lucky peak reports? - by Biigfish33 - 02-14-2015, 02:51 AM
Re: [Biigfish33] Lucky peak reports? - by hizah - 02-14-2015, 09:40 PM
Re: [hizah] Lucky peak reports? - by Untangler - 02-15-2015, 12:47 AM

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