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Lake Powell fishing interest
While Red Ear's won't eliminate the mussels, getting them established in Powell, if possible, before the mussels really take off, will give them an advantage. I know Wayne and the other DWR folks are really looking at them. This may be the reason that the mussel invasion at Havasu may be less, because the Red Ear's were there before the mussel's arrived, by almost 40 yrs.

Another question I would ask is, if the stripers crash, will people be willing to adjust their fishing tactics to focus on the walleye as an alternative ?? It would not be like fishing the "pike run" at Utah Lake. It would be more like fishing for walleye in the Great Lakes, learning to troll, use spinner rigs, bottom bouncers, etc. It would be somewhat different from what most Utah fisherman already do, but not much.

One of the staples here is to troll a pop gear and worm, one of the staples for walleye is to troll a spinner rig with a worm !! The difference would be learning the specifics of where to fish that spinner rig, rather than just dragging it aimlessly around the lake. Some of the techniques will be different, but not much. Learning to use Electronics will be a must, but most folks have a sonar on their boats.

Give us some feed back on this. Do some research by reading sites like In Fisherman, Linder's Angleing Edge, etc. Get edumacated !! It ain't that tough !!

Messages In This Thread
Lake Powell fishing interest - by MasterDaad - 03-01-2015, 09:14 PM
Re: [PBH] Lake Powell fishing interest - by BHuij - 03-04-2015, 08:39 PM
Re: [doggonefishin] Lake Powell fishing interest - by Therapist - 03-03-2015, 11:51 PM

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