03-05-2015, 04:52 PM
[quote WingNutt]Make the whole arm between the Provo inlet and damn wake less....
And put in a real boat ramp at the Rock cliff area to ease the pressure at the main marina ramp[/quote]
I don't necessarily disagree (I also suggested some facility improvements at RC) but one thing to keep in mind with making the ramp at RC larger is that a larger ramp will mean more folks from the power squadron trying to launch there. It is bad enough as it is seeing these guys trying fruitlessly to get their power boats back on trailer for an eternity while those of us with crafts more designed for the ramp have to wait.
With respect to introduction of other warmwater game fish, all I would say is that Jordanelle is forage challenged as it is. What effect would adding more predatory game fish have?
And put in a real boat ramp at the Rock cliff area to ease the pressure at the main marina ramp[/quote]
I don't necessarily disagree (I also suggested some facility improvements at RC) but one thing to keep in mind with making the ramp at RC larger is that a larger ramp will mean more folks from the power squadron trying to launch there. It is bad enough as it is seeing these guys trying fruitlessly to get their power boats back on trailer for an eternity while those of us with crafts more designed for the ramp have to wait.
With respect to introduction of other warmwater game fish, all I would say is that Jordanelle is forage challenged as it is. What effect would adding more predatory game fish have?