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New Willard Bay Map...Labeled
[#0000FF]Glad to fix you up with a new map.

I suspect that what you refer to as "Cat Alley" is what I call my "Kitty Condo"...or pretty close to it. There are definitely a couple of small areas out there that seem to always hold some whisker fish.

I'm glad I did screen captures and made maps on so many of my fave fishing areas. About 2 months ago my Google Earth went wacko on me and I haven't been able to access it since. Uninstalled and reinstalled several times but it still doesn't love me. But I still have a lot of the basic maps that I can label and customize if there is ever anything you need...except for pinpointing individual fish.

Messages In This Thread
New Willard Bay Map...Labeled - by TubeDude - 05-04-2009, 03:55 PM
Re: [Tin-Can] New Willard Bay Map...Labeled - by TubeDude - 03-05-2015, 07:49 PM

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