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cuonthelake, Chickamauga, Float and Fly Crappie, March 3rd n 4th, shhhh...Not Lily
Crazy crazy weather, only a break here and there, so a quick trip @ a friends dock to throw a float and fly into about 8 FOW....BAM, got my cabin fever fix seeing that bobber disappear quickly and reeling in a nice paper mouth, with a little help from a fur friend, kisses and a quick release.<br />SHHHH...don't tell Lily I fished without her, she was snuggled warm in her bed when I left. emoLaugh

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cuonthelake, Chickamauga, Float and Fly Crappie, March 3rd n 4th, shhhh...Not Lily - by FishNews - 03-07-2015, 10:00 AM

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