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No love from the Fish Gods
I waited until after the weekend to make a trip to Yuba, thinking better weather and less boats. We got up early, the wife made us breakfast and other than a quick stop we were on our way for a beautiful day of pike fishing. I was blissfully unaware that a young man was coming home from working a graveyard shift. Unaware that is until he nodded off and tagged the rear end of my boat trailer as I was doing 70 mph near the Mona turn off. I managed to keep the trailer under control and get it off the freeway. Nobody was hurt and my boat suffered no damage but the trailer is a loss. The impact folded up my swing away Tongue and surge brake like a pretzel. It also bent my ball forward to about a 45 deg. angle.. SOOooo we hit the shore @ about 11;30 and fished until 5pm without even a single follow. I knew dam well I should have sacrificed a virgin before this trip!

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No love from the Fish Gods - by bvpatten - 03-12-2015, 11:30 PM

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