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Perplexing solution found, bike is now ready to be a fishing machine
Solution found! [cool] The only hose clamps I have are smaller diameters that I was using on my room with 1" PVC. So I raised my garage for solutions.

The rod holder I am using has some protrusions on the back that came in handy. The top and bottom protrusions have a slit in the center. I slipped the top one over the railing of the bike rack. Then I found two metal plates in my garage leftover from previous projects. Two bolts, washers, and nuts later I was able to attach the holder to the side of the rack. The plates ended up being a great way to put pressure on the holder and the rack to hold it all in place. I used two plates. Then to help keep it from bouncing around and to hold it firmly in place I used several zip ties. Pics attached.

Now to take it out and give it a test run.[Smile]

All that is left is to find a way to either make a trailer or modify one to pull with my bike then I can haul a float tube around as well.

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Re: [a_bow_nut] Perplexing solution needed - by albinotrout - 03-23-2015, 02:22 AM

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