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Willard Bay South Marina Warning
That piece of concrete you are talking about Forest, is not the same as TheFishSlayer is talking about. He was referring to a much larger piece of concrete, right off the end the dock toward the middle of the marina. I think the piece of concrete you are talking about is right by the ramp and I have seen that one as well.

There is still a lot of smaller rocks on the ramp that I run across as I'm launching. Wish we could have got that guy that offered to bring a backhoe in to clean up the rocks in there, he could have at least got those rocks off the ramp. If the water conditions stay like they are, by Fall the South marina will be high and dry and I hope they can come in and really clean up that marina, if they get the permits[:/].

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Re: [Tin-Can] Willard Bay South Marina Warning - by wiperhunter2 - 03-24-2015, 04:10 PM

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