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Lake Powell Fishery Plan
I strongly urge you to enter the world of Striper Fishing. It isn't difficult and fishing boils in the late summer and fall is a uniquely awesome experience.

A couple notes about the Redears.

Redears are not expected impact the mussel infestation. The mussels far outproduce their ability to eat. They will add both a forage for other sport fish (SMB LMB, Walleye), and another potential sport fish for anglers.... one that can take advantage of the new food source.

Redears reproduce slowly and require cover. If greenlighted, the plan would be to stock lots of fish over several years. Part of the reason it is important they not be introduced illegally -- an established population will grow faster if introduced by DNR in large numbers.

One more goal I should mention:

We'd like to double the Walleye take from Lake Powell in very short order. Walleye are prolific particularly in the northern half of the lake. It is believed they are leaving the lake upstream in the Colorado and San Juan rivers and represent a danger to native fish.

For those who do fish Lake Powell, please take some time to catch some of these delicious fish. And please take them home!

Messages In This Thread
Lake Powell Fishery Plan - by MasterDaad - 03-27-2015, 05:23 PM
Re: [BHuij] Lake Powell Fishery Plan - by MasterDaad - 03-29-2015, 03:16 AM

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