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Has anyone hear of Vernon reservoir
[quote akammerman]Took some Scouts there last year in July two mornings in a row. Had never been there before. It was pretty low, but still plenty big to fish. Boys had no trouble catching their limit of 11"-13" trout, all on spinners. Beautiful place and I hope to get out there again this year with my son. I have a co-worker who used to tube there all the time and loves it.

Plan to stop by the little store in Vernon for a drink or snack. I think it's cool to patronize small businesses like that.

If you have some extra time, you should also drop by the Vernon Wonderstone site and pick up some wonderstone. Perfect rockhounding destination for someone who wants some great ornamental rock for the yard, fish tank, or whatever. And it's the perfect site for kids (be careful of snakes in the hot summer, though). PM me if you want directions to the wonderstone quarry--it's about 10 minutes away from the Vernon convenience store (can't remember the name of the store) and easy to find.[/quote]

i think its either "silver sage" or "pennys" your thinking of?
I cant remeber which one it is thatss right by the verrnon turn off.

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Re: [akammerman] Has anyone hear of Vernon reservoir - by TRUBBS - 04-05-2015, 04:16 PM

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