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Cottonwood creek
I went over to the big cottonwood below 500 west this morning. I was there right at daylight. In the first big run, I hooked up with one nice brown, at 18". I caught him on a #2 'brown trout' blue fox vibrax. In the pool below that, I drifted a whole minnow so I could warm my hands a little. After about 5 minutes, a 16" brown took it. I put back in, and a 15" rainbow bit this time. I kept up that same pattern in some of the lower holes and caught 5 browns, biggest 17", smallest 8"; 2 rainbows both about 15", and one brookie, about 16". Now, what the heck was a brookie doing down that far? Would they go that far from up in the canyons clear down to the Jordan river? Anyway, all were released except the biggest brown. Pretty good fishing today.

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Cottonwood creek - by TheJensenKid15 - 01-11-2004, 08:43 PM

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