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What to do with my fishing buddy.
Your fishing buddy has a very narrow cone (9 degrees) viewing down into the water so you may not see much particularly in shallow water because a fish must swim almost directly under your finder. Another thing is the fishing buddy doesn't have a high pixel count so fish hugging the bottom can be tough to distinguish. I use mine to determine depth and to see my bait. If fish aren't showing up you may have to adjust your gain. I was fishing in 23 ft the other day and had the gain at 3 and could see my bait just fine. But at Porcupine fishing at 100 ft I had the gain turned up to about 10 so I could see my bait. And make sure you have fresh batteries. Any fish that comes into view is responded to by raising or lowering my bait to it. I like to use the sidefinder to determine if the fish are shallow or not.

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Re: [DKSRenegade] What to do with my fishing buddy. - by fishnate - 01-12-2004, 12:56 AM

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