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Porcupine report 1/10
The road to porcupine has been plowed to to bottom of the dam, they also plowed a parking area. The road up to the top is a differant story. I think that 4 vehicles made it to the top. a lot got stuck and had to back down. I had to be pulled out with a winch, an a few good samaritans. several other trucks got stuck and had to be helped out. We then parked at the dam and walked to the top. about halfway up a couple of nice guys on snomobiles offered to pull my sled to the top.

There was about 16" of snow on the face of the dam. The ice along the dam was about 3 1/2" thick, good clear ice with 3" of snow. About 100 yards out the snow was between 2 1/2" to 3", along the cliffs the ice was about 5" to 6". One group said that along the southern shore the ice was about 5" however you had to walk a long way over scary ice. I don't do scary ice, the 2 1/2 is scary enough for me.

Fishing was very poor. I hooked one small fish and lost it before it got to the hole. No one that I talked with caught more than 1 or 2. I saw very few fish on the garmin and did not see any schools of koke. other than that it was a great day on the ice.


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Porcupine report 1/10 - by Fish-Dog - 01-12-2004, 02:21 AM

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