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jbone1380, Chick, good day, LM, 5/8/15
Me and my buddy left work this morning about 6:30. He headed home to get his boat, I went to get my stuff and take kids to school and we finally made it to the lake about 9. Started in a pocket with a 10-15 ft. channel in the middle and shallow on each side. I threw the shakey and my buddy threw a t-rigged creature bait along with the shakey. A million bream-and-such in the shallows and big bass cruising the banks. Couple of big fish still on beds with lockjaw. We boated about 15 to 20 fish and missed several others by 1:00 when we got hot, tired, and ready to go home and go to bed. My buddy broke a good one off, and I watched one in the 6 plus range suck up my shakey, take off, strip my drag, jump, spit my shakey back at me all without ever pulling the hook thru the worm. All fish caught in 5 foot or less primarily on the shakey, only 4 or 5 came on the t-rig. Best 3 was about 14 pounds.

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jbone1380, Chick, good day, LM, 5/8/15 - by FishNews - 05-09-2015, 09:00 AM

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