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Willard Bay 2015 Flotilla
Stupid is as stupid does!

A typical morning like this one, I would have looked out the window and said "hell no". But since I was meeting folk, and had "bring-mes" to attend to, I couldn't back out. Plus knowing there would be hot chow-down chowder kept me motivated.

Was hoping for a quick slam-bam-thank-you-maam during out short trolling adventure, but alas. As you say Forest, at least everyone made it back safe. Even Reelfast in his big rig wasn't loving the big waves and pounding rain.

BUT sure was great to put a few faces to names and shake a few hands. Plus a chance to meet some of the "competition" face to face! Bwahaha.
Even BLK came up to boast about his fair skies and 7 catfish morning down south!

Nice to meet Rocky in the flesh, and Stickleback, you're a worthy adversary! And a genuine nice guy.
HD7000, those fish sammiches were great, and your kid's a rocking angler! I confirmed I DO have that same tartar sauce (think I got it at the dollar store even!)
Jjannie - nice to meet you both. You emanate a good vibe!
Jeff, you do us all a kindness. What with all your scrambling and prep, and fine volume cooking skillz! Excellent. Got me thinking - maybe chowder is what I offer up at my HS reunion this summer. Sharing a big 5-0 birthday back in Chicago, my kind of town.

You can be glad my new hot peppers arrived AFTER the trip. Got seeds, powders, and oils. Ghost and Scorpions - had I slipped a little dash of powder in that stew, it WOULD have been a hot soup! Holy Cow!

Curt - thanks for lining up the pavillion, too bad it doesn't have side-walls! You and Reelfast braved the elements longer than anyone else. Shoulda got a prize for that, "here's your sign"!

Again - thanks for the ride Tin-Can. Nice to see you, and your little dogs too!

Messages In This Thread
Willard Bay 2015 Flotilla - by Tin-Can - 05-16-2015, 10:37 PM
Re: [TyeDyeTwins] Willard Bay 2015 Flotilla - by CoyoteSpinner - 05-17-2015, 02:57 AM

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