01-13-2004, 02:08 PM
hey stormy, sounds like a goood day! haha cool. that,s real good though 2 a piece. good eatin. i wish we still had around here that good. the state went and put out those stinkin fisher cats to tkae care of hte porcupines. stins, they didn,t eat prcupines when they could have our good squirells and rabbits. so now e have none on my mountain like i use to back when i was a kid.use to have em runnin round my door yard. partridge too, had a bear come down thru off the mountain cross in out door yard right in the middle of the day when we were forst buildin hte house too,. after that they still do but at night and they,d git the hounds goin. haha so i,d know hwen they were travelin. we got alot more coyotes out there now too. i jsut started doin that. good reason still now that deer is done to be able to git out still. these temps lately are terrible. supose to be 50 below tonite. i pitty any animals that are out. might take a toll on our deer. i hope not. glad ya had a good day. it,s always worth goin out and just enjoyin the day even if ya don,t git noth. sounds like a good area. where are ya? bean fields?? i,d like to see hat, must me cool. now are they green bean>> or the ones like ya git in the bag?? soldiers or pea, i guess i don,t know what ya mean. well take care have fun. you got jack rabbits too?>>? we got those down the bottom of our state. i,m here in vermont. but i have to go up north now. there stills some over in bridgewater where i use to go when i lived over there. in proctorsville. not too fer. i like it up north though. beautiful areas and the rabbits run fer miles. that,s why i like the hounds haha let them run em. haha. it is alot easier, they hve fun to and i love listenin to em. git one, two, you an,t ask fer a better pet fer your kid too. they are VERY AFFECTIONATE, and the more love ya give em, the more they hunt better, that,s an old myth that ya keep your huntin dog just fer a huntin dog. mine lived in the house with me, went everywhere with me. fihin, too. they need that love, crave it just like a kid. in al hte animals i,ve ever had which is alot! there,s never been a more good natured lovin animal. but remember, some just have that nose and head strong nature, stubborn, haha but thats a hound, haha that,s waht makes em special, but some people can,t handle that in em, so they give em up that,s what their born and bred to do. and ya can,t expect em not to be that way, that,s where the understand in comes in if ya love em. i use to take my jake spud, momma dutchie with me all hte time, my jake and momma, spud would go runniin em and ome back when i cvalled em good, but that was cuse they did go everywhere with me, and was use to it fron the minute i took them out of momma, but some they,re stubborn and come when they want. haha, but as it is with a kids, the moe time ya spend the more ya do with em the more they,ll listen to ya better, time patience, love understandin, them, all pays off. so if ya git em, expect htis, and i hope ya have the patience to kepp em rhater than findin out ya can,t handle how they are, and give em up, cause that ruins em. and then people think it,s the dog, it ain,t the dogs fault, htat comes of human. that ticks me off. so if ya git one two, it,s a lifetime committment, just like a kid. or IT SHOULD BE, IT WAS WITH ALL MY ANIMALS. horses too. i miss em all.it,s just too easy to say, with animals, that i can,t handle em, and give em up. good many dogs whatever have been ruined by this. i guess i,m spoutin haha, i guess theres alot of people just don,t love em the way i do. sorry but it,s the truth.[
][cool]but they give ten times more htan they ever git.ya know.
