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Jmax, Nick, jinxed day but turned out O.K., 3rd place,Bass, 5/30/15, CCSM
Should have known this morning when I forgot to put the plug in the boat we were going to have a weird day. Yep, started off with me forgetting to put the plug in. emoCrazy Got my boat launched, idled over to one of the piers, got tied off and all of a sudden one of my pumps kicks on shooting water a foot up behind the boat. Had to get James to get the trailer and I put the boat back on and got the plug put in. First stop that morning I am using a buzz bait and one blows up on it. Set the hook and the reel comes off the rod. emoDoh There I am with a bass on the line, reel in one hand and the rod in the other. Did get it back on and the fish was still there. Ended up being a slick. Tried there a while but they just did not want top water. Decided to go to the worm. Made a few casts and one loads up. It eased off and just slowly moved away. I reared back and the line snaps! emoBang About now I am starting to think we might need to go home before something really bad happens. However that was the end of the jinx least until right when we were going to head back. Went to crank the big motor and my battery was too low to turn it over. The good thing about these new Rangers is they have a jump start switch that will add the trolling motor batteries to your starting battery and allow you to jump your motor off them. That worked like a charm.<br /><br />A few casts later after breaking the one off, another loads up and this time I get a good hook set. In comes a pretty nice one at 2 lbs and 13 ozes. emoThumbsup That was the program for the rest of the day. Sharp drops with grass edges, fishing worms in the edges of the deep grass. Not a lot to talk about but we managed several. Had a couple culls to end the day with 10.10 lbs. with our best three, would have had 14.50 with our best five. Our 10.10 was good enough for third which pretty much paid for our gas and entry with enough left over for a dinner out with the wife. emoHungry Jmax

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Jmax, Nick, jinxed day but turned out O.K., 3rd place,Bass, 5/30/15, CCSM - by FishNews - 05-31-2015, 09:00 AM

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