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Unofficial Catfish Contest Scores
Monday update after an eventful weekend, but I expected more movement... However FishMcFish made a move on the top and successfully held the south in a two point lead with the potential to stay ahead... nice job I gave you 1/2 less point due to not knowing how Yote will score it and I took the conservative approach with both your's and my scores and if he gives us more we'll get a later bump... anyway everyone keep them entries coming, may not make the team score, but again it's a personal competition as much as a for fun one...

Lynn still sits alone on top of the heap, I think he's getting sleepy from lack of scary competition, but there's a couple of you guys that can wake him up with one or two good fish....Good luck all... Later J

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Re: [SkunkedAgain] Unofficial Catfish Contest Scores - by SkunkedAgain - 06-01-2015, 03:19 PM

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