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bronzeback45, Chickamauga, New PB Bass 10 Lbs 7 ozs, 12/20/14, bricknbass
Steven and I launched from the ramp at dam this morning around 9:30 and ran up river. We started on a deep rocky point with nothing. We moved on up river and went in a cove Steven caught a good one last weekend, as we were working our way out I nailed on a rig and it weighed 7lbs 11ozs, Steven was ready with the net. It was barely hooked and actually came off right before he netted it," thanks man". I caught another one after that but its was just a keeper. We had a slow period after that then we found some on a shaky head and caught a couple of keepers. Went searching for other areas and had nothing, then came back close to the area I caught the 1st and was fishing a break where it went from 5 to 20ft when I caught the big one. It put up a hard fight and actually ate 2 of the 3 hooked baits on the rig. It was a toad, Steven took several pics and we released her to fight another day. We caught 6 Keepers today and a couple of non keepers. I would guess we had around 23lbs with our best 5. Water temps were 48* .

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bronzeback45, Chickamauga, New PB Bass 10 Lbs 7 ozs, 12/20/14, bricknbass - by FishNews - 06-22-2015, 09:00 AM

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