01-14-2004, 06:47 AM
for a fishery it makes much more sense to keep the smaller ones and let the big ones go. big is subjective to the fishery though and is often tossed around lightly. if youre on a small creek and catch a 16 in fish that could be a big spawning female or male and dominant for the next several years in that area producing excellent spawns. i think some consideration has to be taken in when keeping fish now adays. ly its not of olden days where stringers of fish could be brought back home and no worries cuz the next day would be the same thing again. many anglers low water etc etc. i do have to say though it bothers me to hear when people catch fish and say all was let go except the big guy. if you watn a mount just pay a extra $2 a inch inst a fish worth it to someone for the price of living? or take a picture so the next door neighbor believes your fish story. either way i agree with you totally on this one.