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DAV Sat.
Yes yes thank you guys. But I am just the messenger. Redmond likes to take care of a lot of sponsorships. I'd like to say if the guys down south knew what kind of money we throw in foreign countries they would cry even more for a raise. His (the CO"s) philosophy is what goes around comes around. I would just like to say thanks to each one of you volunteers. It is my hope and my prayer that we can pick up another 10-15 boaters to dedicate one day out of the 365 days they can go fishing to take a disabled vet. I wanted to give BIG thanks to wetone and wipermac and for all the unnamed volunteers a Big Thank you. Kudo's to everyone involved. It's only going to get bigger. So we will need more help. One more thing It's good that everyone was able to catch fish but if you think about the big realm of things for some of them guys just getting to come and go for a boat ride, maybe drive your boat, and rub shoulders with people is an exciting day for them. You can tell by the people who have come back every year that they eat I up. And Todd the tournament bags were a hit. They loved it.

Messages In This Thread
DAV Sat. - by wyoguy - 07-12-2015, 04:52 PM
Re: [wyoguy] DAV Sat. - by HD7000 - 07-12-2015, 05:06 PM
Re: [HD7000] DAV Sat. - by wyoguy - 07-12-2015, 05:23 PM
Re: [wyoguy] DAV Sat. - by PACKFAN - 07-12-2015, 11:24 PM
Re: [PACKFAN] DAV Sat. - by wyoguy - 07-12-2015, 11:51 PM
Re: [wyoguy] DAV Sat. - by PACKFAN - 07-13-2015, 11:55 AM
Re: [wyoguy] DAV Sat. - by wiperhunter2 - 07-12-2015, 05:52 PM
Re: [wiperhunter2] DAV Sat. - by wyoguy - 07-12-2015, 06:46 PM
Re: [wyoguy] DAV Sat. - by WiperMac - 07-12-2015, 06:54 PM
Re: [WiperMac] DAV Sat. - by PIKEMAN99 - 07-12-2015, 07:27 PM

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