01-15-2004, 01:39 AM
haha yeah the wonder mutt, haha ain,t they somethin? what,s her little quirks she does that,s cute?? well louie just waddled his little fat--into bed carryin, no draggin, his big black panther we got him, right behind daddy, haha it,s bigger than him, and he,s so cute draggin that in behind daddy. waitin fer me to put it up on the bed fer him. hha what a hound, then he came out got his teddy bear, then a bone then another bone, this is what i have to put up with every nite to try to crawl in beside jack everynight. it,s a wonder there,s any room fer me. haha spoiled to the bone! and i don,t know which ones worse. ahaha does josie do this to you guys?? well at least your gittin out thee and doin some fishin. my god it was 50 wind chill last night and 30 below today, with a wind chioll of 44 again, or more. and gonna be the same the rest of the weekend and into monday. goes from one extreme to another. no wonder everybodies catchin cold.wouldn,t be so bad too if we had some snow. everybodys pipes are freezin.up. WEIRD WEATHER! least in the old days we knew what to expect, hha yaknow? this little dashound is thinkin all the time. haha one thing to another, smart little cuss. an if he,s not gittin the attention he wants he does everythin in his power to git your attention haha even ot gittin into stuff he knows hes not suppose to. as long as it,s attention. haha just like a kid. ahha you goin tomorere?? or weekend?? you must have some good ice now don,t Ya?? have fun be careful ok. hey did you buy or build another shanty since the last one?? hope you guys aren,t out in this with the wind. you,ll end up catchin the phunmonia.later [][][cool]