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Picudo Sportfishing Cabo San Lucas Fish Report
As we head into September in Cabo the fishing is finally starting to off! Its what weve been waiting for, the Blue Marlin are biting , the Sailfish are here in quantity, the Dorado are biting close in and theres a Wahoo bite thats going off big time!!
The local Cabo charter has been working the Los Arcos area all the way down to the Iman bank and the results have been spectacular! Starting down at The Iman Bank past San Jose the fleet has been averaging 3-5 Wahoo a boat, the early birds are nailing it but the late comers are still picking up a few! Chrome Heads, Mauraders, and sewed bait Ballyhoo and Caballitos are the trick, most bites coming from the 15to 30 fathom curve.The fish are good quality with some in the 50 lb. range! And thats not all, If you pick up some Sardines and start a slow chum the YFT are schooling up in smaller size, the anglers are having a blast on light tackle and filling the coolers, lots of limits around!
Down by the Gordo Banks the YFT are biting on live and dead bait, some are in the 60-70 lb. range, theres some fatties in there, someone is going to get a toad soon! The Striped Marlin are also on and around the banks and some nice Blue Marlin. Marcos on Trinacria boated a 400 pounder and dumped a nice one well over 500. He hooked up on a live bait 60 pound set-up with 150 pound leader and was in a 5 hour battle that took him 11 miles, finally boating the fish off Chileno! He was tired but thats what you get when the deckhand throws a Striper drop back set up on a Blue! Great day! The sea temps in the San Jose area are hovering in the upper 80s and 90 degree water has been reported. Calm conditions have blessed the fleet for the last few days!
Down off the Shipwreck area the small YFT have showed, the Cabo panga fleet is loadind up on smaller fish and getting them on live and dead Sardines. Chum em up and the bites on. Its been a while since that area has produced, so its nice to see the fish back in and biting! Also in that same area the Wahoo are biting with some over 50 lbs. The boys are fast trolling in the 20 fathom area and getting some nice ones! If Theres a lot of shredded line , the fish are voracious!
Out int front of Cabo and to the 95 fathom spot there has been a fantastic Sailfish bite, Nicko raised 15 fish and caught a bunch, he said they were all over the lures and dead bait, with multiple jig bites! Even The Blue Marlin are also in this area and seem to be biting on the 1000 fathom curve, with some smaller ones being captured and some larger ones lost.
Out in front of Cabo at the Herradura the fishng has alsobeen good, Marlin and Sailfish with some fat Doraodo mixed in! Sea temps on the Pacific side are around 87-88 dergrees and condtions are perfect with lots of Skippys breezing and the Flyers are thick! The shooling YFT are moving aroud daily, from 14-25 miles out, but he who finds them first are rewarded with some quality fish up to 200 lbs! Nice Tuna fishing!
The Los Arcos area is the spot for Dorado, and the earlier boats are getting better numbers. They are in shallow water and biting feathers, small lures, and sewed baits. THe size is smaller with the average fish being 10-12 pounds!There are also billfish in this area with the Sails and Marlin being captured in great numbers. The Pangas are getting the Skippys and Bulitos on the troll, and nailing a few Roosters in the shallows!
We are dodging the tropical weather systems so far and the Storms are stacked but seem to be moving westward and leaving us alone. We have are eyes on the horizon as this month is our most dangerous month, last year we got slammed by Odile and no one wats that again! But overall the fishing is outstanding in Cabo! Its going to be open this Fall! It appears our El NiƱo this year will not be as strong as predicted and thats great news for us in Cabo!
So get your butts down here and bring your coolers, its going off!! Make those reservations as we are filling up fast for our Fall season!! Saludos and keep your thumb off the spool!! Yar!! Saludos from Cabo! Picudo Sportfishing

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Picudo Sportfishing Cabo San Lucas Fish Report - by Caseycarter - 09-05-2015, 05:27 AM

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