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Perch bash at Bunny Gulch 10-14-15
[#0000FF]One good thing about our Utah panfish...perch, crappies and white that all they need is a couple if good spawns to repopulate a lake after a major decline. The only problem is that the whole process of bust to boom takes several years before the new hatchlings are back up to the sizes we like.

I haven't really got into any good walleyes at Starvy for a couple of years. But I don't troll either. I either find them and catch them by casting and vertical jigging...or I settle for whatever else I can find. Without a boat to move around the lake it is hard to locate the fish at times. However, I have heard from others too that the fish are fewer but heftier. That's okay with me. I'd rather catch a few nice ones than a grundle of seegars.

I'll be putting in some time both at Lincoln Beach and at Willard in the next few weeks. I guess us walleye masochists just gotta play the game.

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Perch bash at Bunny Gulch 10-14-15 - by TubeDude - 10-14-2015, 09:51 PM
Re: [MichiganAngler] Perch bash at Bunny Gulch 10-14-15 - by TubeDude - 10-20-2015, 07:00 PM

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