01-18-2004, 08:01 PM
Hey there TubeDude,
Like you, I read all of the posts and there is lots of good info both from posters and yourself. That puppy looks like a done deal until............ you decide to approach it as a brand new project!!! ha ha
I was bugged by the (what I think) problem of having rods 'in the way' when mounting them vertically and balanced behind the seated little ol' me in my tube.
As my rack is a series of PVC pipes and connectors (Y's, 45's, 90's, 30's, 2 to the side 1 down, 4 way, and sleeves)
I realized that even if I had the angles right for say launching it wouldn't be optimal for fishing, especially fly fishing.
Therefor I have simply drilled holes in both the pipe and the appropriate connector at intervals of 15 degrees around the circumfrence of the pipe/connector (clear through) and put in over-sized cotter key pins w/tiny lanyards so that I could adjust the angle of the rods however I wanted.
Just pull out the cotter key (oh ya there's a trick to the cotter key to give it it's retaining spring function.... hint: bend it then bend one side of it back at a different point) rotate the whatever and replace the cotter key.