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garyw, chickamauga, crappie, 11/3/15, bro in law
got two limits of crappie today @ the creek.. started off at the bridge.. got 18 keepers there ..most 11 - 12 inches<br />headed up the creek fishing blow downs deep water, got 12 using minnows with slip floats and b.g. 1/32 oz ghost and blue ice colors.<br />started @ 9 and ended up @ 3.. fast and furious.. may have caught another two limits of shorties..<br />water stained and temp 65.. ramp closed @ the bridge and had to go to h.b. to launch.<br />good day to be on the water. lots of boats for a tuesday.

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garyw, chickamauga, crappie, 11/3/15, bro in law - by FishNews - 11-10-2015, 10:00 AM

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