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Smalliefan2, Chick, Bass, 11/29/15, alone
Went out of CFP late Saturday morning, had a hard time finding a parking place. Went upstream, started in a slough and a main lake point, threw a crank, SB and grub. No takers. Headed to a marina, marked fish near the docks, in the first third. Nobody would play here either, all suspended around 10' in 20 FOW. Ran to a slough across the lake and fished from the back out. Finally ran into some bass , in 4-5 FOW, with the boat in 10- 12 FOW. No size, but the belly looked like they pigged out for Thanksgiving. Caught several, no size, but fun to play with. All came on a Bandit 200 in a shad color, tried other baits, no takers. The vegetation was still nice and green, temp 60 degrees. Home in time to watch the Vols win.

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Smalliefan2, Chick, Bass, 11/29/15, alone - by FishNews - 12-08-2015, 10:00 AM

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