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The Decline of the Obama Presidency
You make some great points and I agree. Health insurance costs for me in Wyoming are very high, because the state is too small for insurance companies to make any money, and that's all they care about..making money. And for all of you that don't like obamacare, think about someone with stage 3 cancer. They can now have health insurance. It's not all about you. I don't like Hillary as a person, but she is the most qualified person that has ever run for president. Her resume is second to none. It pisses me off when a holes like trump say we need to make America great again... It is great now. If you don't like it move to Somalia, you don't pay taxes, the government is non existent and you can carry all the guns you like. !!

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Re: [roosevelt] The Decline of the Obama Presidency - by jacksonlaker - 12-30-2015, 02:31 PM

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