12-30-2015, 07:34 PM
Where you live and why is dependent on who you are and what you personally find to be most satisfying... As for Alaska, it's expensive and isolated and if there's something to do here, then I've done it ...over and over. We stopped eating salmon a couple of years ago after generally putting 50-60 into the freezer each year. Moose provide far too much meat for just my wife and I, and don't justify the effort and cost, and I'm long past the point of feeling a great thrill just from shooting one. Caribou ...awesome animals, great venison, but generally expensive (and cold) to go get etc. I guess the bottom line is that we're just ready to leave and much of the original thrill is gone. We miss the sun coming up and going down when it 'should', miss being closer to family, I miss deer hunting and fly fishing of the sort that the pacific northwest has. We miss a sun that is up high and bright, and warm, in the summers. Alaska has much to offer and some parts, like cruising Prince William Sound, are irreplaceable, but we've got friends and can visit anytime. Having been born and raised in Oregon, and have lived for several years in Western Washington, we want to come back to the Pacific Northwest area (friends and family), but do it outside 'rain country'. That's Idaho... We actually researched the entire country for things like med care, cost of living, climate and the outdoors, and just plain 'personal interest' and Idaho is the only spot that combines it all for us ...so here we come! I am thankful for the opportunity... We're coming and we're coming to stay. (PS: We won't be needing any cars, and we are currently living in the Knik, AK area about 50 miles north of Anchorage).